Children categories
The University of Thessaly enables students of all its departments to receive psychological support and help for their personal difficulties and concerns, if they wish, and also to be trained in the acquisition of skills regarding managing and solving the problems that they may be facing.
More information can be found here or at the Department Secretariat (
Regarding the support of students with disabilities, the Department is a member of the PROSVASI Service of the University of Thessaly (αρχική-english/). Students with disabilities can register online in PROSVASI in order to inform the Service of obstacles to their access, request support during their courses or some variation in their exams.
The person responsible for PROSVASI in the Department is Mr. Dimitrios Kokaridas, Associate Professor (
Main counselor and departmental coordinator for ERASMUS students’ το οποίο να γίνει λινκ προς τη σελίδα και ειδικότερα προς σημείο της σελίδας που λέει ‘Departmental Erasmus Coordinator:’ (στο κάτω μέρος της σελίδας)
According to the DPESS/UTH program of study, internship is compulsory for all undergraduate students during the last semester, as described in the course of "Specialty Practicum, MK2020”, equal to 10 ECTS units.
As stated by The General Committee of the Department, each student can start his/her internship after the completion of 120 credit units (ECTS) as a prerequisite.
Course degree is given by the specialty supervisor, by taking into account the evaluation of the employer, the valuation report of each student derived from the implementation of the internship and the comments of the employment supervisor responsible for student’s practicum.
Office hours established for better guidance and preparation of students prior their placement and practicum in sport employers, every day from Monday to Friday, 09:30 - 14:30. Practicum begins with contract signing.
Maria Bougiesi (Ph.D), Administrative employee
Monday to Friday
09:30 - 14:30
Tel: 24310 47058
Dimitrios Kokaridas, Professor
Counselor professor and counselling services in academic issues
After the completion of the registration process of the first-year students in the Department, each member of the staff (faculty member or permanent teaching staff) is assigned a number of students for whom he/she has the obligation to allocate time for advice, mainly on academic matters or on the progress of studies (e.g. on approaching the study of the subject matter, on the structure of the curriculum, etc.)
For general issues pertaining … contact the Student Issues and Academic Counselor Coordination Committee: Evaggelos Galanis, Assistant Professor (, Elizana Pollatou, Associate Professor (, Alexandra Bekiari, Associate Professor (, Georgia Magouritsa, Permanent Teaching Staff (, Athanasia Chatzipanteli (
Support of students with disabilities
Download the PhD Guide (it will be updated within the academic year 2024-2025)
European Master in Sport and Exercise Psychology
An international postgraduate program with internationally renowned teaching staff and visiting professors from all over the world. With international students and the experience of the competitive “Erasmus Mundus” program, providing mobility opportunities for studying abroad and obtaining double degree with renowed European universities.The European Master in Sport and Exercise Psychology, is taught completely in English . It contains thesis and practicum.
Application period Deadline: 1 February -30 April
MSc in Lifestyle Medicine
Lifestyle Medicine is a branch of evidence-based medicine in which comprehensive changes in lifestyle (diet, exercise, psychological domain, social domain, environment) are used to prevent, treat, and even reverse or the progression of chronic diseases by addressing their underlying causes.
This Interdepartmental MSc degree is realised through the collaboration of the Departments of Medicine, PE & Sports Science and Nutrition and Dietetics of the University of Thessaly. Under the auspices of the European Lifestyle Medicine Organization (ELMO), the programme lasts for a min 1.5 years (max 3 years) when registered as a Full-time student, and is taught completely in English, with online modules arranged in 3-day block teaching periods.
Pre-applications (intention to apply) can be made via the programme’s website. Full Applications are submitted between Nov 15th and Jan 10th of every academic year. Further information on content, staff, eligibility criteria and the application process can be found here
MSc in Psychology of Physical Education and Sport
A postgraduate program with internationally renowned teaching staff and visiting professors from all over the world. With international students and the experience of the competitive “Erasmus Mundus” program. Is a two-year full-time programme that offers educational opportunities for students of all nationalities. With the option of a Thesis or Non-Thesis track (The duration of the studies is 1,5 year in the option of the non-Thesis).
Application period Deadline:
1st period: 1-31 May
2nd period: until 30 August
MSc Exercise & Health
Autonomous Master's Programme, duration 18 months, intensive (5 consecutive days a month for 8 months) in the area of Biological Sciences
Applications until 1-30 of June
MSc in Military Fitness & Wellbeing
Programme duration 18 months; taught in block teaching with the option of a Thesis or Non-Thesis track
Applications until 1-30 of June
MSc in Ergonomics - Occupational Physiology and Health - Quality of life
Autonomous MSc, in the field of Biological Sciences, lasting three semesters with face-to-face and remote attendance, starting in March.
You can see the curriculum here
Applications from 1st to 30th November of each year
MSc in Exercise, Ergo-spirometry and Rehabilitation(Information available in Greek)
Interdepartmental Programme (University of Thessaly; Departments of Medicine and PE & Sport Science
Completed programs:
Erasmus Mundus European Master's in Sport and Exercise Psychology
In collaboration with international Universities (English speaking), duration 24 months, in the area of Psychology of Sport and Exercise
MSc Exercise & Quality of Life
In collaboration with the Dept of PE & Sport Science of the Democritus University of Thrace, durations 24 months