Courses offered to Incoming Erasmus Students for academic year 2024-2025
Are you interested to join our department as an Erasmus exchange student?
You can apply to the University of Thessaly (G VOLOS01) as an exchange student for a 3-12 month period of studies either for the Winter Semester (WS) or/and for the Spring Semester (SS) to visit our department.The procedure will start with your communication with the University of Thessaly’s International Relations Office (IRO)– for general information and to get your paperwork started http://erasmus.uth.gr/en/
To be regarded as an exchange student it is necessary:
- that a Bilateral Agreement between your Home University and the University of Thessaly is already in effect. The mobility is not possible if there is not a previously signed Erasmus+ Bilateral Agreement between both Universities in the specific subject area.
- that your Home Erasmus Coordinator nominates you for the undertaking a study period at the University of Thessaly,
Please be aware of Nomination Deadlines
- 30th of June for students who will attend the Winter Semester or the Full Academic Year.
- 30th of November for students who will attend the Spring Semester.
After your Home University has nominated you to study at the University of Thessaly and you receive an acceptance e-mail from the IRO, please fill in and send to the IRO the Application documents ((see:http://erasmus.uth.gr/en/studies-en/application) signed and stamped, by email or by post:
Please note that for the departments based at Trikala you will send your application to the Larissa office of the IRO: you can send the necessary documents) via email to the responsible person in the Larissa Erasmus Office, Mrs Areti Bania, aretibania@uth.gr, or by post to the following address:
(Att: Mrs Areti Bania) Erasmus Office
Ring Road of Larissa-Trikala
University of Thessaly
before the Application Deadlines:
- 31th of July for students who will attend the Winter Semester or the Full Academic Year.
- 15th of December for students who will attend the Spring Semester.
Once you have all paperwork in place (including getting the signature of the Departmental Erasmus Coordinator Dr Karatzaferi on your Learning Agreement, and the final approvals from your institution), it is important that you arrange for your accommodation at the city of Trikala.
The city of Trikala doesn’t have a dedicated students’ accommodation. Thus it is important to plan in advance for private accommodation, ideally in the months of June/July preceding the academic year you intend to travel.
To help you find appropriate accommodation the DPESS -Erasmus Hosting Committee members (Dr Voutselas and/or Mrs Blanti for Undergraduate students OR Dr Krommydas and/or Prof Hatzigeorgiadis for Postgraduate students) are available to help. If by chance you are to make your own arrangements for accommodation, it is also critical to say so! So please drop us a line (see contacts below).
Usually shared accommodation is booked to host pairs or small groups of incoming Erasmus students together.
Upon arrival it is important to visit/notify the IRO (see http://erasmus.uth.gr/en/studies-en/upon-arrival) AND to make an appointment with your Departmental Coordinator to get informed about the Courses Timetable.
Note that it is possible to amend the Learning Agreement during your visit if need arises (see http://erasmus.uth.gr/en/studies-en/after-mobility).
When it is time to depart, following the exams period of your last semester with us, apart from the Transcript of Records (issued by the secretariat of our department) you will need a Certificate of Attendance (issued by the IRO). Please be aware that the Certificate of Attendance can only be given by the IRO before departure.
Departmental contacts
All information contact: erasmus-pe@uth.gr
Departmental ERASMUS Coordinator:
Professor Nikolaos Comoutos, Tel: +30 24310 47027, erasmus-pe@uth.gr, nzourba@pe.uth.gr
Departmental ERASMUS Hosting Committee:
For undergraduate ERASMUS students
Dr. Vasileios Voutselas, Tel: + 30 24310 47016, vvouts@pe.uth.gr, erasmus-pe@uth.gr
Mrs. Anastasia Blanti, Tel. + 30 24310 47008, ablanti@pe.uth.gr
For postgraduate ERASMUS students
Assoc. Prof. Giorgos Sakkas, Tel. + 30 24310 24310 47022, gsakkas@uth.gr
Ass. Prof. Haralampos Krommydas, Tel. + 30 24310 47044, hkrom@uth.gr
Prof. Antonis Hatzigeorgiadis Tel: +30 24310 47009, ahatzi@pe.uth.gr