Xsmoke (information available in Greek)
Healthykids (information available in Greek)
Creation of e-learning infrastructures for physical education and ICT topics (2009-2010)
(information available in Greek)
Thalis II- Mechanisms of Muscle Function
THALIS Project - ESCAPEE - Exercise, Smoking & Alcohol: Investigation of mechanisms & interventions for prevention, cessation & awareness
Collaborative research grant funded by World Anti-Doping Agency - WADA (2015-2018). From research to application: An evidence-based psychosocial intervention for doping prevention in young athletes.
Collaborative research grant funded by World Anti-Doping Agency - WADA (2013-2015). A cross-cultural approach to a cross-cultural issue: Psychosocial factors and doping in young athletes.
Developing an Innovative European Sport Tutorship Model for the Dual Career of Athletes: Project number: 557204 – ERASMUS+: Sport 2014 (2015-2017)
Dual Athletes Career (2014-2015)
Employability of Graduates of Sport (EGS) (2014-2015)
EQUAL: Entrepreneurship in Sport (2002-2014)
Integrated inter-sector framework to increase the thermal resilience of European workers in the context of global warming (2015-2020)
Ph.D Scholarship Programme "Heraclitus II" - Investigation of the functional architecture of the human thermoregulatory system through biochemical indices (2011-2015)
Postdoctoral Researcher support (Rheumatoid.Arthitis - Reducing oxidative stress in chronic inflammation: Design and testing of mechanisms based interventions (2011-2015)
Sport For All - Scientific Support, Hellenic Ministry of Health, NSRF 2007-2013 (2012-2014) (information available in Greek)
Supporting Policy and Action for Active Environments (SPACE) (2015-2018)
International Master In Sport Tourism Engineering (IMISTE) Project number: 503754-LLP-1-2009-1-FR-ERASMUS - Erasmus Curriculum Development - Continuing Education (2009-2013)
Intercultural Education through Physical Activity, Coaching and Training (EDU-PACT)
ImpactPE (Identification and Motivation of youth who mostly need Physical ACTivity)
Muscle Stress Relief. H2020-EU.1.3.3. - Stimulating innovation by means of cross-fertilisation of knowledge, MSCA-RISE-2014
Information Campaign and CPR Education- kids save lives, Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, approved October 2015.
Training of B-Level ICT Trainers, Act: «In-Service Teachers’ Training in the Utilization and Application of Digital Technologies in the Teaching Practice», NSRF 2014-2020
A virtual reality application for the exercise of dementia and Alzheimer. I Research and Innovate (2017).
Reintegration Through Sport plus-RTS+ - 613034-EPP-1-2019-1-EL-SPO-SCP. Erasmus + (2019).
Interactive Living for mental Health. Erasmus + (2019).
Sportspeople Education and Training for Dual Career. Erasmus + (2019)..
R.T.S.: «Reintegration through Sports». Erasmus + (2018).
Assessment of new technologies for infectious disease surveillance, prevention and control. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (Framework Contract Number: ECDC/2019/027) (2019-2022).
Effects of in vitro exercise on the browning of white adipose tissue. Support for Researchers with a focus on Young Investigators (Round 2); Partnership Agreement 2014-2020; Greek Ministry of Development and Investments (Contract Number: 100956 / 646) (2019-2021).
Field research to test and strengthen heat stress mitigation strategies’. International Labour Organization; United Nations (Contract Number: 40262271 / 1) (2019).
Desk review of research on heat stress. International Labour Organization; United Nations (Contract Number: 40255529 / 0) (2019).
ICI-THROUGH: Intersectoral collaboration for innovation in non-invasive techniques to estimate human brown adipose tissue activity. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) Call: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014 (grant no. 645710) (2014-2018).
GI-Neu: Impact of colostrum-based neutraceuticals on functional gastrointestinal disorders. EU FP7 People. Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) Call: FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IAPP (grant no. 324476) (2013-2018).
Interindividual variation in response to consumption of plant food bioactives and determinants involved. EU Horizon 2020 COST Action FA1403, Domain Committee “Food and Agriculture” (2014-2018).Novel structural skins: Improving sustainability and efficiency through new structural textile materials and designs. EU FP7 COST Action TU1303, Domain Committee “Transport and Urban Development” (2013-2017).
European Master’s of Sport and Exercise Psychology Erasmus Mundus Program.
Development of network of schools in the region of Thessaly for the promotion of health education.
Self-regulatory strategies and self-efficacy to cope with problems that inhibit participation in sport.
Attitudes, perceptions and behaviors (1) in the physical education lesson, (2) in sport contexts, (3) towards a healthy style of life, of people differing in gender, age, social class, religion and motor difficulty.
Differences in motivation in school and sport among Christian and Muslim students.
Motivation of students in the physical education lesson in elementary school: 1) Changes from the first to the sixth grade, 2) A proposal for the increase of students’ motivation.
Creation of e-learning infrastructures for Physical Education and Information and Communication Technologies topics (2009-2010)
Design, development and evaluation of online multimedia courses for the learning of topics related to physical exercise (2009-2010)
Digital School IΙ: Extension and Utilization of the Digital School Platform, the Interactive Books and the Learning Object Repository, NSRF 2014-2020