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Asterios Patsiaouras

Asterios Patsiaouras

Applied Teaching in Physical Education and Sports: Special Coaching of Handball

Dr. Mag. Phil Patsiaouras is an Permanent Teaching Staff in Teaching Physical Education - Volleyball at the University of Thessaly Department of Physical Education & Sport Science in Trikala, Greece. He is a Section Editor for the scientific journal of Physical Educaton and Sports ( Dr. Patsiaouras has published widely on physical education, sport spychology, and high level performance mainly in Volleyball. His work has been recognized through distinguished invitations from international organizations served as a Supervisor in CEV and BVA responsible, as a president of game Jury, for international volleyball matches. Since 2015 he is an Expert Consultant for IKY and the Erasmus+KA2 projects in field of Universities and Sports and as a Evaluator for the Research Promotion Foundation’s IRIS, (RPF) for Cyprus (IRID : 49880). His scientific work focus on sport psychology, volleyball training and counseling in sports.

Full Curriculum Vitae


Working Hours

Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 3:00 pm

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