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Petros Natsis

Petros Natsis

Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sport

Petros Natsis PhD., MS., is a Member of the Special Educational Staff of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science of the University of Thessaly. His academic subject is: Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sports. He has worked as a Physical Education Teacher in Primary and Secondary Schools, in Exercise Programs for children, adults, the elderly and people with disabilities, as well as a Coach in Tennis and Soccer. He has participated in 16 scientific publications in international journals. He took part in numerous Physical Education Conferences, presenting scientific research. He has participated, as a translator and editor, in the publication of books for Handball, Volleyball, Soccer, Tennis and Swimming, while he is co-author in the Official Physical Education Students’ Book for Greek Middle School, in 2004. Recently, in 2023, he participated in the translation of a book entitled: "The Essentials in Teaching Physical Education: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment", 2nd edition (2022). His research interests include: Physical Literacy, Tactical Approach for Teaching Games, Sport Education, and Models’ Based Physical Education. He teaches the course of Student Practice in Teaching Physical Education at Primary School, the course of Student Practice in Teaching of Physical Education in Middle School, as well as the course: Laboratory of Sport Pedagogy and Didactics.

Full Curriculum Vitae


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Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 3:00 pm

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