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Computer Room

Opening Hours
Monday to Friday 10:00 - 16:00
(Student access to the Computer Room is free during those hours unless courses are being taught in the Room )
The Computer Room is equipped with 20 state-of-the-art PC workstations aimed at supporting educational activities, 1 server that can be used by instructors and the network administrator as well as two laser printers intended for instructors’ use. All computers are part of a Local Area Network and have permanent high-speed access (1 Gbps) to the Internet.
The Computer Room as a Certification Center
The Computer Room is a Certification Center within the framework of the Action «Educators’ Training in the Exploitation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Education» of the Project «Certification of Educators’ Skills». Specific examinations, aimed at assessing primary and secondary school educators’ ICT knowledge and skills, are held periodically in the Room.
Electronic Assessment
The Computer Room is equipped with specific software that covers the following functions:
  • Students’ assessment and grading based on multiple-choice questions
  • Evaluation of courses and instructors by students
Computer Room Services for Students
  • e-mail addresses of the form <username> from enrollment to graduation (service provided in cooperation with the University of Thessaly Network Operations Center)
  • Internet surfing and communication through e-mail (maximum attachment size 10 MB)
  • Access to the electronic services of the University of Thessaly Library
  • File storage on hard disks or on removable storage media (cd, usb stick)
Computer Room Services for Instructors
  • Printing of assignments and teaching materials
Computer Room Rules
  • Access to PC workstations is provided to support educational and research needs
  • If demand for computer time is high the moderator may impose time limits or a sign’ in procedure to secure a just allocation of time among interested students
  • No food or drinks are allowed in the Computer Room
  • It’s the user’s own responsibility to use ICT in a legal and harmless manner. If in doubt, ask for advice!
Laboratory and Teaching Staff
Vassilios Bouglas
Computer Technician,
Karyes 42100, Trikala
E- mail:
Τel.: 24310 47007, Fax: 24310 47064